TOEFL Junior Practice Test 2 - Reading Comprehension

10/23/2019 8:28:18 PM

Read the note and answer the questions.

Please read the following carefully as it describes my expectations of you during this class. 

Everyone must do the reading assignments since we will have class discussions. Your participation in these discussions will be a part (ten percent) of your grade in my class. In addition, we will have one writing homework assignment each week. In most cases, it will be a short (3-page) paper on a topic we are studying. You will be graded on these assignments. We will have four tests during the semester. Each one will be worth twenty percent of your final grade. 

There will be times when I will call on you during class. Please attempt to answer my inquiries. Do not simply confess that you do not know the correct response. I expect everybody to try hard in my class. Furthermore, I want you all to take notes during my class. I will provide you with an outline of the material we will study each day; however, you need to write down the important information that I mention in your notebooks. I welcome questions in class and urge you to ask them if you ever fail to understand something. 

What is the note mainly about?

  • The teacher's expectations for the students in class
  • How the students can get a high grade from the teacher
  • The type of homework the students will have to do
  • What the teacher's grading style for the class is

Based on the note, what is probably true about the student's homework assignments?

  • The teacher will grade and return them within two days.
  • They are worth a small percentage of the student's final grades.
  • The students are expected to write them by hand.
  • Some students will have to read their papers to the class.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the note about something that the students will be graded on?

  • Homework assignments
  • Attendance
  • Tests
  • Class participation

In paragraph 2, the word "inquiries" is closest in meaning to _______.

  • investigations
  • demands
  • examinations
  • questions

In paragraph 2, the word "confess" is closest in meaning to ______.

  • blame
  • admit
  • decide
  • falsify

What does the teacher say about taking notes?

  • The students should take all of their notes in outline form.
  • It is permissible for students to use laptops to take notes.
  • The teacher wants students to write them in their notebooks.
  • The students have to show the teacher their notebooks at times.

Read the schedule and answer the questions.

A schedule for the school's newest clubs was released last Friday. Since that time, there have been a few changes to the schedule. Please look at the following changes and take note of them, especially if you are considering joining one of the clubs. As these are the initial meetings, students who desire to join these clubs must be present; otherwise, they will not be allowed to join. All of the days in the schedule are this week.


Faculty Advisor

Meeting Time


Geography Club

John Collins

Thursday, 2:00

Meeting time is different

Photography Club

Susan Smith

Thursday, 2:00

Will meet in room 101, not room 110

Chemistry Club

Emily Jenkins

Friday, 11:00

Is no longer free of charge/requires $40 membership fee

History Club

Redge Thagard

Friday, 3:00

Meeting day is different

In addition, the chess club and the hiking club have both been cancelled this year due to a lack of interest. Fewer than the required number of students signed up for both clubs, so they will not exist during the fall and spring semesters. If more students express an interest in them next year, they will be reinstated. 

What is the purpose of the schedule?

  • To mention some of the school's newest clubs
  • To advise students on which clubs to join
  • To let students know about their faculty advisors
  • To make students aware of some recent changes

What does the author point out by writing that students should "take note of" the following changes in paragraph 1?

  • They need to memorize all of the changes that occurred.
  • They should be aware of the changes that were made.
  • They ought to write down the changes that happened.
  • They have to tell their classmates about the changes.

What can be inferred from the schedule about the photography club?

  • It will provide all of its members with cameras.
  • It is going to focus mostly on digital photography.
  • Its members cannot belong to the geography club.
  • Susan Smith will hold its meeting in her classroom.

According to the passage, all of the following clubs will exist this year EXCEPT ______.

  • the hiking club
  • the geography club
  • the history club
  • the chemistry club

In paragraph 2, the word "express" is closest in meaning to ______.

  • demand
  • foresee
  • show
  • approve

In paragraph 2, the word "they" refers to ______.

  • the required number of students
  • both clubs
  • the fall and spring semesters
  • more students

Read the article in the newspaper and answer the questions.

Last weekend, six students from the Donoho School went on a fascinating trip back in time. These students accompanied Jacksonville State University professor William Bannister on a fossil hunt. 

The students, professor, and three graduate assistants headed to a valley near Cheaha Mountain. The valley was not previously known to have any fossils in it. However, two months ago, some campers in the valley stumbled upon some bones sticking out from the ground. When they brought them to the museum, they were told that the bones were those of a brontosaurus, a species of dinosaur.

Thanks to a generous grant from the Damke Foundation, the students were able to accompany the professor on his dig. They spent most of both Saturday and Sunday carefully digging in the area. 

"We found a few bones," said Wendy Jacobs, a Donoho senior. "We're not sure which animal they're from, but the professor assured us they were from a dinosaur." 

The students, all of whom intend to major in science at college, are looking forward to returning this coming weekend. "There's enough money in the grant for the next month, so we should get to return at least three more times," said Donoho's student - Philip Peters. 

What would be the most appropriate headline for this article?

  • Dinosaur fossils found near Cheaha moutain
  • Donoho students meet professor Bannister
  • Local students go fossil hunting
  • Dinosaurs: Did they live around here?

In paragraph 2, the phrase "stumbled upon" is closest in meaning to _______.

  • tripped over
  • accidentally found
  • dug up
  • conducted research on

In paragraph 2, the word "them" refers to _______.

  • three graduate assistants
  • any fossils
  • some campers
  • some bones

Why does the author mention the Damke Foundation?

  • To claim it has an interest in dinosaurs
  • To note a group that is financing the students
  • To focus on its relationship with the Donoho School
  • To claim that it sponsored many local digs

Who is Wendy Jacobs?

  • A student at Jacksonville State University
  • One of professor bannister's graduate assitants
  • A fourth-year student at the Donoho school
  • A representative of the Damke Foundation

According to the article, when will the students go back to the dig site?

  • Within a week
  • In two months
  • During summer vacation
  • Next autumn

Read the passage and answer the questions.

Mars has captured the imaginations of people since ancient times. People have long wondered if the planet is home to alien life. Over the years, a number of theories concerning this matter have arisen. 

In the nineteenth century, there were finally telescopes made that could closely examine the surface of the Red Planet. While looking at Mars, an Italian astronomer saw many straight channels on its surface. These were most likely caused by the action of either the wind or water in the distant past. When he published his observations, he used the Italian word canali, which means "channels". However, English-speaking astronomers interpreted the word as "canals" and assumed that he was referring to something akin to man-made canals on Earth. 

An American astronomer, Percival Lowell, believed that these "canals" had been built by a race of intelligent beings that had lived - and might still be living - on Mars. The result of that highly publicized claim was that a great number of myths about Mars suddenly arose. For instance, H. G. Wells wrote The War of the Worlds, a book about a Martian invasion of Earth, in 1898. Over the next few decades, Mars and Martians featured in countless science fiction stories, movies, and TV shows. 

Years later, in the 1960s and 1970s, the United States sent several satellites to investigate Mars more closely. The satellites found no canals. But one picture suddenly ignited a great deal of interest in Mars. In 1976, Viking 1 took a snapshot of the Martian surface. In the picture was what appeared to be an enormous human face. It was so large that it measured more than three kilometers long. This convinced people that there was - or had been - intelligent life on Mars.

In 2001, however, the mystery of the Martian face was solved by Mars Global Surveyor. The pictures that it transmitted proved that the face was just a mesa, a type of geological formation. As for the "eyes, nose, and mouth" of the face, they were merely shadows. Despite this proof, many people are still convinced that signs of life could be found on Mars someday. 

What is the best title for the passage?

  • The Martian face and other mysteries
  • What are Martians thought to look  like?
  • Martian Civilization: What happened to it?
  • Mars and the belief that life exists on it

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about Mars?

  • It is farther from the sun than Earth.
  • One of its nicknames is the Red Planet.
  • Humans hope to visit it someday.
  • It almost surely had life on it at some point.

In paragraph 2, the phrase "akin to" is closest in meaning to _____.

  • useful to
  • resembling
  • imitated by
  • precisely like

The author uses The War of the Worlds as an example of ______.

  • evidence supporting the possibility of life on Mars
  • a work inspired by thoughts of Mars
  • a story based on Percival Lowell's work
  • a bestselling novel and movie

What does the author point out by writing that a picture "ignited a great deal of interest in Mars" in paragraph 2?

  • Schools focused on educating students on Mars.
  • More pictures of Mars became avaible.
  • People wanted more satellites to be sent to Mars.
  • Many people began to think about Mars.

What does the author say about the martian face?

  • It was discovered by a satellite.
  • It proved there was life on Mars.
  • It was found near some channels.
  • It is located near some mesas.

What did Mars Global Surveyor do?

  • It searched for hidden canals on Mars.
  • It mapped part of the surface of Mars.
  • It showed what the Martian face really was.
  • It looked for signs of life on Mars.

In paragraph 5, the word "it" refers to ______.

  • the mystery
  • the Martian face
  • Mars Global Surveyor
  • a mesa

Read the story and answer the questions.

"Jeremy, how do you manage to do it?" asked Don.

"What are you talking about, Don?" Jeremy responded with a confused look on his face.

"Don't play dumb," responded Don. "I'm talking about how you always seem to get the highest grade in every class. I mean, no one but you got higher than a 92 on the science test Mrs. Sellers just gave us back."

Don was feeling rather upset because he had gotten a 75 on his science test while Jeremy had received a 99. Even worse, Jeremy had told him that he had not studied for the test.

"Well, I actually do a lot of things," responded Jeremy.

"Don't just sit there silently, spill the beans, and fill me in," demanded Don. "I'm tired of studying for hours at a time only to get C's and B's. I want to start getting A's like you."

"Okay," said Jeremy. "Here's my secret ... I pay attention in class, and I take good notes. That's really all there is to it."

"But I do the same thing," insisted Don.

"Do you?" Jeremy said with a knowing look on his face. "I seem to remember looking over at your desk in history class the other day only to see you with your head on it. You even started snoring at one point."

"Oh, yeah. Right. I had forgotten about that," said Don. "But that was only one time."

"And don't forget how, in math and English class yesterday, you were listening to music instead of taking notes," Jeremy continued.

"Er …" responded Don.

"Look, Don. It's really simple. If you take notes in class, pay attention, and then review your notes at home later the same night, you will be able to remember practically everything. Assuming you do that, you won't have to study the night before a test, but still do well," stated Jeremy.

"I don't know," said Don with a skeptical look. "It just seems strange to me?

"Try my way for a week and see what happens," said Jeremy. "I'll even lend you my notes ... but only if you don't fall asleep and don't listen to music in class anymore."

"It's a deal," said Don with a smile.

What would be the best title for the story?

  • The best student at school
  • The secret to Jeremy's success
  • Two friends: Don and Jeremy
  • Don and his school performance

Why is Don in a bad mood?

  • His teacher yelled at him for sleeping in class.
  • He cannot understand the class material.
  • He forgot to study for his science test.
  • He performed poorly on a recent test.

In paragraph 3, the phrase "play dumb"  is closest in meaning to ______.

  • act in a silly manner
  • pretend not to know something
  • forget how to speak
  • make fun of someone

Based on the passage, what is probably true about Jeremy?

  • He wants Don to do better than him in class.
  • He is willing to tutor Don in some of his class.
  • He doubts that Don tries as hard as he claims to.
  • He is lying to Don when he says he does not study.

According to the passage, all of the following statements are true about Don EXCEPT ______.

  • He fell asleep in his history class.
  • He is displeased with his performance in science.
  • He ignored the teacher in his math class.
  • He got a low grade on his English test.

What does Jeremy tell Don to do?

  • Study for several hours the night before a test
  • Go over his notes at home every night
  • Start reviewing three days before a test
  • Ask his teachers how to get good study habits

The word "skeptical" is closest in meaning to ______.

  • doubtful
  • amused
  • confused
  • understanding

What does the author imply about Don?

  • He will develop better study habits than Jeremy.
  • He is hoping to go to a good college.
  • He intends to follow Jeremy's advice.
  • He prefers playing sports to studying.

Read the passage and answer the questions.

The Great Lakes are the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world. All five are located on the border between Canada and the United States. The names of the Great Lakes are Erie, Ontario, Michigan, Huron, and Superior. The smallest of the group is Lake Ontario while Lake Superior is the largest. Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, and Superior are shared by Canada and the United States. Lake Michigan, however, lies entirely within the borders of the United States.  

Geologically speaking, the Great Lakes are relatively young. They were formed about 10,000 years ago due to the action of receding glaciers. At the time of their creation, massive glaciers - some several kilometers thick - were retreating as they melted and the last ice age came to an end. The great weight of the ice sheets gouged out enormous holes in parts of the land. Then, the melting ice turned into water and filled in the holes with water. In this way were the Great Lakes formed. The Great Lakes have a combined surface area of more than 240.000 square kilometers. There are also around 35,000 islands in the lakes, yet most of them are quite small. Lake Superior is the deepest at more than 400 meters in places. But most of the Great Lakes average less than 100 meters in depth. Due to their immense size, the Great lakes comprise around 2196 of the entire planet's supply of freshwater.

All five of the lakes are connected by both rivers and channels that run between them. The entire system flows to the Atlantic Ocean by way of the St. Lawrence River in Canada. Together with the St. Lawrence River, the Great Lakes form the largest inland waterway in the world. As a result, millions of people live near the Great lakes. Among the major cities that lie alongside them are Chicago, Toronto, Detroit, Milwaukee, Cleveland, and Buffalo. Each year thousands of ships transport billions of dollars worth of goods through the numerous ports along the Great Lakes. This has transformed many port cities into major transportation centers in Canada and the United States.

What is this passage mostly about?

  • The formation of the Great Lakes
  • The cities around the Great Lakes
  • The geography of the Great Lakes
  • The sizes of the Great Lakes

Which of the Great Lakes is the biggest?

  • Lake Huron
  • Lake Superior
  • Lake Erie
  • Lake Ontario

In paragraph 2, the word "receding" is closest in meaning to ______.

  • retreating
  • removing
  • revitalizing
  • resulting

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause of the formation of the Great Lakes?

  • The end of the ice age
  • The movement of glaciers
  • The meeting of ice
  • The falling of rain and snow

Which of the following is true regarding the islands in the Great Lakes?

  • More than 240.000 have been identified.
  • Some are more than 400 meters long.
  • There are tens of thousands of them.
  • Most of them are extremely large.

In paragraph 2, the word "immense" is closest in meaning to _______.

  • variable
  • huge
  • considerate
  • relative

Why does the author talk about the St. Lawrence River?

  • To point out that it flows entirely through Canada
  • To state that there are many channels connecting it to the Great Lakes
  • To mention that it connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean
  • To claim that it is too narrow for some ships to sail on

According to the passage, which is true about the port cities that are beside the Great Lakes?

  • All of them have increasing populations.
  • The same kinds of good are transportation centers.
  • They serve as important transportation centers.
  • Some of them are also manufacturing centers.