Đề thi thử vào 10 theo mẫu chuẩn SGD TP.HCM số 51

6/20/2021 4:41:00 PM

The flight _____ reminded the man that smoking was not allowed.

  • employee
  • attendant
  • applicant
  • assistant
I’m sure your students will _____ from going abroad for three weeks.
  • attend
  • exchange
  • benefit
  • improve
Our visitors want to see the sights, so we’re going to show them _____.
  • away
  • out
  • around
  • off
My parents weren't _____ with my exam results; I got a D in maths!
  • satisfied
  • popular
  • attractive
  • exhausted

Doctors hope that the spread of the virus will slow down _____ the summer.

  • at
  • in
  • on
  • of

We invited Dr. Smith, _____ is an outstanding specialist in electrical machines, to speak to our students.

  • whose
  • that
  • who
  • whom

Emiko advised Joon _____ his Master’s degree in Biology by the end of this year.

  • to finish
  • finishing
  • finished
  • to finishing

Some of my friends sometimes skip breakfast _____ they get up late in the morning.

  • although
  • in spite of
  • because of
  • because

John: "What a wonderful outfit you have got, Mary!" 

Mary: "_____"

  • Thank you very much. I'm afraid.
  • Thank you for your compliment.
  • You are telling a lie.
  • I don't like your sayings.

- “Do you mind if I turn on the fan?”

- “_____ ”

  • Never mind.
  • Not for me.
  • No way.
  • Not at all.

What does the sign mean?

  • School zone ahead
  • Construction zone ahead
  • Survey crew ahead
  • Filming location ahead

What does the sign mean?


  • No one can leave their cars here.
  • Only employees can park their cars here.
  • Customers can parks their vehicles.
  • Only staff's electric cars can charge here.

Read the following passage and choose the best option for each of the blanks.

We can communicate with people in many different ways. We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces. There is also the phone (including the mobile!), the fax, and e-mail. Television, film, painting, and photography can also communicate ideas. 

Animals have ways of exchanging information, too. Bees dance and tell other bees where food. Elephants make sounds that humans can’t hear. Whales sing songs. Monkeys use their faces to show anger and love. But this is nothing compared what people can do. We have language - about 6,000 languages, in fact. We can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, persuade, tell the truth, or tell lies. And we have a sense of past and future, not just present.

Radio, film, and television have had a huge on society in the last hundred years. We now have the Internet, which is infinite. But is this doing to us? We can give and get a lot of information very quickly. , there is so much information that it is difficult to know what is important and what isn’t. Modern media is our world every minute of every day.

Read the following passage then choose the best answer to each question below.

Living in the desert usually means extreme heat and dry, arid conditions. There are different types of deserts. Some deserts have more plant life than other deserts. The largest desert in the world is the Sahara Desert. This desert covers over a million square miles of land.

Like all deserts, the Sahara has very little vegetation. However, there are some plants that have learned to grow without very much rain. Cacti are examples of plants that can live for almost a year without rain. When a cactus does receive rain, it produces beautiful and striking flowers.

Many of the animals that live in the desert are the same color as the environment. These sand-colored animals often dig into the sand to avoid the extreme heat. Many of these animals are nocturnal animals, which means they feed and are active mostly during the night. When there is a severe drought, many of these animals sleep to save water and their need for food.

Camels are another type of animal commonly found in the Sahara Desert. The camel is able to go for a week without any drinking water. The camel’s hump serves as food storage. A camel will drink up to 16 gallons of water at one time. 

What is the main idea of the passage?

  • To show how camels store food and water
  • To list the types of animals found in the desert
  • To explain what plant life and animal life is like in the desert
  • To show how many kinds of cacti can survive a drought

How big is Sahara Desert?

  • a million square meters
  • about ten thousand square miles
  • nearly a million square kilometers
  • over a million square miles

Some deserts are richer with plants than other deserts.

Cacti do not need rain to have their flowers.

Some desert animals are nocturnal because they try to avoid the greatly high temperature.

Camels are able to store food and water and go without water for a long time.

Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.

We have to wear a hard hat in this job for reasons. (SAFE)

Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.

You should do morning exercises to have a body. (HEALTH)

Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.

Although there are many throughout the year, Tet holiday is the most important one for Vietnamese people. (CELEBRATE)

Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.

Our hotel room was decorated in a color scheme of cream and yellow. (BEAUTY)

Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.

We on most things, but on this question we are at one with each other. (AGREE)

Complete the sentence by changing the form of the word in capitals.

Consumers like to use products that are both  and economical. (EFFECT)

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence (kéo từng từ/cụm từ về vị trí đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh).

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence (kéo từng từ/cụm từ về vị trí đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh).

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

"Why don't we have a mechanic check our motorbike before the journey?" I said.

=> I suggested .............  

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

I prefer reading books at home to hanging out on weekends.

=> I'd ..........

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

New York is busier than any other city in the world.

=> New York is the .......... 


Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.

It has been nearly three months since I last talked to her.

=> The last time ..........